Greetings single mothers. Please simply understand that you are an inspiration through your perseverance , care, and love. Yet through all the years of raising children into adulthood , there are trials day to day that only a particular type of people can understand: Single mothers. You deserve healing , love and most all, continued triumph through your day to day .
In continued triumph and greetings, the Den of Mothers will be hosting a Brunch and Greet on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019 in honor , healing and unity through your impact as single mothers. The event will take place at the NAN Tech Center at 400 Hawthorne Avenue in Newark, NJ. You are not alone single mothers or do you have to feel ashamed to speak your trauma. Single motherhood can be stressful and even heartbreaking. Come take advantage of one another’s strength and exceptional reason for being.
The Den of Mothers are here for you to live greatly in your purpose and lean on one another in true sisterhood towards necessary personal growth. Come one. Come all single mothers to the Den of Mother’s Greet and Brunch!!! (Please see flyer for additional information)
This will be a powerful and uplifting event that discusses the impact of single motherhood. Discussion of mental health, addiction, emotional well-being, and life stories. – CEO of Den of Mothers
The “Den of Mothers” are here for you to promote positive self-efficacy through empowerment, positive self image and motivation. In supporting women , we support the greater society. The Den’s mission is to establish and maintain a safe and supportive platform for expression by creating an environment to foster positive energy while forming a sisterhood.