NO Justice. No Peace. No racist police!!
Say his Name!!
People’s Organization for Progress will be hosting their weekly protest for police accountability and the end of police terrorism called Justice Mondays. The demonstration will be held on the corner of Court Street and Broad Street in front of the Federal Building in Newark NJ. P.O.P(People’s Organization For Progress) has been holding this weekly(every Monday) demonstration since February 2016 calling for an end to police brutality , an issue that blacks in America know far too well. P.O.P is asking all residents to take part in the civil protest in the first step to continuing to call attention to this issue. They are expecting you to go on as business as usual as the typical two weeks have passed. While people are worrying about and petitioning against Beyonce playing Storm from Xmen, Mr. George Floyd or Breonna Taylor did not receive justice. Make the time to change humanity and join in unity to work to actually “Make America Great”.
In addition, remember the elected officials who are quiet. Who always been quiet during the inhumane acts by police officers. Elections are coming and if they can not honor and protect the lives of residents, they must go! Justice Mondays is a call to action and prevention out of reaction in honor to the late Eric Garner. “I can’t breathe” is a sentiment of the oppression and struggle. Come organize for life. Come organize for justice!! Meet P.O.P on the corner of Court Street and Broad Street at 4pm – 6pm every Monday. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!