Dear Community,
My name is Jimmie White and I would like to reintroduce you to Newark’s I.M.P.A.C.T( Initial Major Progressive Articles Creating Tranquility). I created this publication as a reliable source of information for programs, news and events by us and other organization working to build a greater community. In addition, tell OUR story by publicizing our greatness and what we need to know economically, politically and socially to move forward. Progress is our choice as individuals to make in our personal lives and in the community. Newark’s I.M.P.A.C.T will be an agent of change and tell stories of the heroes in our community(s). We will stand up along side of the people to promote and assist in the creation of policy that will make neighborhoods safer and better for the people.
We will engage the people politically and work side by side in the best interest of multiple neighborhoods.
We will create and collaborate events that we celebrate us, the wellbeing of great culture that promote progress for our community,
We will implement programs that will but no limit to educate people in civics, finances, starting a business, tenant’s rights ….. Etc.
We will expand the arts through support and collaboration of local artist..
I am Jimmie White! More than a founder of the people, I am a servant of the people. In the face of adversity in the community , it is on us to overcome it all as a community through creativity , support and love. Subscribe, support and let’s make it our mission!!
Yours daily,
Jimmie White