Newark’s I.M.P.A.C.T is excited to launch our first initiative in Newark, New Jersey called the I.M.P.A.C.Tful New Jersey State I.D/license sponsorship. This initiative is geared to assist residents who are having a tough time from hardship to have chance to gain an opportunity to receive their state I.D or license towards employment and other gains towards progress.
The requirements are as follows:
- Must be going through a form of hardship in which economically can not afford a state I.D.. (Homeless or Reentry are priority)
- A Newark, New Jersey resident
- Must be a black male
- 18 years or over
- Must complete application
Chosen applicants will be contacted by a Newark’s I.M.P.A.C.T representative. From point of contact, a meet and greet session will be scheduled which will include a conversation of additional services if needed and scheduled date to purchase State I.D or license. Anyone who is late without prior notice forfeits their applications in which we will move on to other candidate(s).
Please refer to the flyer for additional information or contact us.
I think it’s great but it shouldn’t be limited to just black males..what about black females..let’s help Pepe but let’s not discriminate while we are doing a noble cause.
I appreciate your input. We love black women. There are so many empowerment groups for black women in which only benefit the community as a whole who only services the needs of black women. We support and would like to publicize their efforts as well. The choice to focus on black men is to continue to create the leaders and providers for the children and families of the community. I welcome to partner with you or your organization to sponsor State IDs for black women.