Honorable Judge Michael L.Ravins
Essex County Veteran Courthouse
50 West Market Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Justin Rodwell
Good day Judge Ravin,
You have much too do so I will leave this letter short and sweet. The community of Newark, NJ is demanding the release of Justin Rodwell and that all charges are dropped. We urge you to be on the side of the community especially the ones that have been victimized by horrible police practices such as the police officers in June. In addition, align yourself with the great officers who go about their job using best practices and show fairness in the best interest of the public.

Let’s reflect on what happened to Justin Rodwell and his brothers in June. Plain clothes officers jumped out on the Rodwell brother(s) on an alleged gun charge without identifying themselves physically assaulting them. This caused as an immediate threat and like anyone, they felt they had no alternative , but to defend themselves. Due to the plain clothes officer’s negligence to identify themselves, they were seen as strangers attacking them. Although only two of the brothers were attacked , the other two brothers are not going to just stand there while their brothers are being physically assaulted by men. A man will protect his family from a threat especially an unidentified one by all and any means necessary. The officers have a duty to identify themselves and this would have deterred a situation from becoming bigger. The officers made a spectacle of themselves and the Newark Police Department. To add insult to injury(s) , no gun was found!

One of the duties of an officer is to deescalate . Physically assaulting someone especially without identifying yourself is an easy way to escalate a situation. In an era where officers are being trauma trained, these officers chose to re institute the trauma of police brutality. It is the responsibility of police to build a bridge between the community and police. There are officers out here who take building and maintaining that bridge seriously for the community’s and their well-being. By you dropping these charges and releasing Justin Rodwell, you are protecting good officers and building this bridge. Judge Ravin , we would love for you to invest in maintaining and building this bridge by freeing Justin Rodwell of police custody and all charges.
In conclusion , in the best interest of the community and police relations with the community, please release and drop all charges on Justin Rodwell. Bring him back home for the holiday season to be with his family. He served enough time unjustly. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Thanks in advance,
CEO and Founder of Newark’s IMPACT
Jimmie White
We must free and support the innocent. Stop Police Brutality and Harrassment should be a highlight of our Justice System. With all the evidence that support the brothers innocence, it’s evident that all charges should be dismissed and Justin Rodwell should be released immediately.
That’s the problem with these officers they don’t state who they are thats why my son is settling in the County now cause some officers were following him in a car with tinted windows and pulled up on the side of him and he took of with all thats going on he thought it was a hit cause there’s been nothing but shootings in our city the officers never called in a pursuit nor did they alert other officers that they were in a high-speed chase my son was driving to save his life not knowing they were officers til he crashed and they beat him.
Thank you for responding. I hope you wrote your letter on behalf of Justin Rodwell.
Justice For The Rodwell Family
They are great people they do alot for they community and Newark police been doing this for years it’s time for it to stop and let these young men continue to do good and be positive role models like they are in Newark Nj
To Judge Ravin: Release and drop all charges on Justin Rodwell. I understand police has a hard job to do, but harassment is not part of it. We should not have to be scared of them. They should not feel so superior that they can do want they want and it is okay. They are human and it is the job they chose to provide honest service to the community.
Thanks for responding
Justin was in the mist of his life where , he wanted everything to be perfect, being a father to his two girls & his family , he shouldn’t even have to be going through none of this ,mainly because he don’t live that life where he’s in a position to be locked in jail , & what I’m hearing it’s from his past, how can you judge a person from his looks & not even know how great of a person he is & how passionate he is about his family & careers ! My brothers are not thugs , the system is falsifying actions against a man they know nothing about ! & it’s not fair to us ,, his family & we will do everything we have to for him to be released!
Thank you for your response and insight. This is the one of reasons we created this publication. To begin to tell OUR own stories. Britany I hope you wrote and emailed Judge Ravin!! God bless
No need to keep this young black man any longer. What are the chargers exactly. The other brothers was released but kept him, it makes no sense at all. #FREEHIM
To Judge Ravin : Free Justin Rodwell he is not a criminal as betrayed by the cops. DROP ALL CHARGES.
Justice For RODWELL
Dear Honorable Judge Michael Ravin;
I and a concerned community member, reaching out to you in regards to the Rodwell/ Spivey case, particularly the case if Justin Rodwell.
In a society where the slogan for police is “to protect and serve” to hear the story of the Rodwell/Spivey Brothers, where’s initially the police alledged being “pummeled”, then to watch the video that showed a totally different story, sets the stage for the disconnect between the community and the police officers sworn to protect and serve them. Then to have an innocent man locked away for months from his children, family and friends. While the same police officers are free to be out and about with their families, able to be there to provide and protect their family, and live their lives to their fullest potential is a total injustice. I’ve watch court proceedings where the prosecuting attorney was able to use this man’s past and talk about a 33% likelihood he’d commit another crime as being a justified reason to keep this young man locked away on some bogus charges. However in that same court proseeding Justin’s lawyer was silenced before she could even try to argue in rebuttal the 67% chance he wouldn’t commit another crime and how before this incident where he and his brothers where in fact attacked by these unidentified officers, it had been an entire what 6 or 7 years since Justin had been in any trouble which would lead one to think hey maybe this young man made the decision to change his life around. You see I know Justin and his brothers personally and I can tell you, although not perfect Justin had turned his life around. He just had a little baby girl and was looking to start school to aquire a trade, while he managed his brothers in there pursuit to become successful in the music industry. They, Justin and his brothers were busy, doing shows, making music, creating videos, and yes going to parties enjoying themselves while they promote their music and network to meet new people. I say all this to say Justin Rodwell is sitting locked away on bugus charges, where he should be out here raising his daughters, pursuing his schooling and managing his brothers on their journey to fulfill their dreams. I demand he be released and ALL charges be dropped.
Great commentary. Did you send an email to him. This is great and appreciated
Is there an email address? Where do you mail letters to?
I edit the letter written to now include the address of the courthouse.The email address is Webmaster.Mailbox@njcourt.gov